Basic Service

Our basic service is designed for all webmasters, commercial or not, who whish to install an internal search engine for their website(s). This service is offered for free but displays advertisements on the results page. Up to 1,500 pages may be indexed.

In order to use the X-SiteSearch basic service, we require you to accept the following terms:

  • We don't accept a website whose content might be considered shocking or illegal under its own jurisdiction or under the Belgian jurisdiction. However, we do accept porn-related websites as long as you warn us in advance
  • We reserve the right to refuse some websites with which our advertisers don't wish to be associated. Please contact us in case of doubt.
  • X-SiteSearch reserves the right to cancel any acocunt for whatever reason.
  • These terms can be modified at any time. Users will be notified in advance.
  • X-SiteSearch is committed to the respect of its users privacy. Read our privacy policy for more information

(*) If your website works by default in a secure mode, enter an address beginning with https:// instead of http://

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